

your resounding voice

                                                annoys me

                                                along with

                                                that black-haired woman’s

                                                subtle judgments


                                    is a fresh music to why i decided to be here


is not a challenge

                                    to surrender to pressure

                                    reputation tarnished

                                    confidence questioned


                        unless the whole world is publicly watching my very world


but the question of friendships

                                                            haunts me to

                                                            engage the language of loneliness

                                                            because “you’ll walk by me and never know and



            that’s what hurts the most



                                                is redeeming enough for me to keep resilient


seems a never-ending struggle

                                                            from my first and last love

                                                            the problem with males – including Him

                                                            a problem all my own, only recent


                                                except when i ponder a kind of spiritual bliss [ignorance]


that makes life all the more

                                                            and less—simultaneously—as angels scream

                                                            for the weight of the world was not for you to bear


                                                            be close.  Hold dear.


                                                unyieldingly bent against my happiness



                                    and redeeming though i feel your scrutiny

                                    stripping me of all my artificial self-knowledge


                        and entertaining to my other half









original text 12.13.2001

transferred 12.13.2001


personal notes

on what i feel right now
amidst counseling, loneliness,
finals, fatigue, and faith.

the lost flying poet