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melissa lok-wah tsang

my partner in loveless singlehood, melissa tsang is the pre-med wonder everyone must know about.  hailing from the midwest, she loves rap music, romantic comedies, and normalcy.  indeed, she is a responsible woman of many talents and interests.  come have some tea with mel t bounce.




interview with the geno
sunday, april 28, 2002, 403 post | geno in blue, mel in grey

at last!  an interview with the famed melissa.  how are you doing this rainy day in april?
how am i doing?  i am doing...  wonderfully well, because i took a 30 minute shower this morning and it felt really nice.  and i ate more than eugene and manny at the java grill, so i was quite proud.  [laughs.]

[smiles.]  nice.  what have you been up to lately?
(emphatically) yesterday, i played all day.  do you want to know what i did?

sure!  spill your guts!
okay, what did i do?  um...  oh yeah.  so i was supposed to meet salem at 940 to go to louie's for breakfast, and she called me at 930 to tell me that she was going to meet me at thayer and charlesfield in ten minutes.  so i had to just jump into clothes and meet her, and that's the significance of the half-hour shower today, since i didn't get to shower.  [laughs.]

you shower?
[laughs.]  um, i try to.  daily.  but i'm definitely a night showerer, and you know how...  i don't know.  maybe it's a chinese myth...  when you go to bed with wet hair, you get a big headache...  but i sleep with wet hair, so my pillow smells like herbal essences...  except when eugene sleeps on it.  [laughs heartily.]  so do you like the smell of herbal essences?  you said it smelled like me, and you said you smelled it all over my room, and you squeezed it...

okay.  i'm interviewing you;  you're not interviewing me.
but i feel so selfish when i do that.  i want to ask questions too.  don't you guys want to hear about eugene, too? 

oh melissa.  are you not versed in the adventures of genotropolis?  this entire site is about eugene, but celebrity heights is solely for you. 
oh that must be the sweetest thing you've told me in...  thirteen days.

thirteen days, eh?  i'm picking up!  [subtly laughs.]  okay.  anyway.  now that the semester's drawing to its hasty end, what are some of your thoughts and feelings?
do you want my serious thoughts or my funny thoughts?

start with the funny, then continue to the serious.
okay.  i actually have to think about this.  [thinks.]  mm...  actually, scratch that.  i don't have any funny thoughts.  i'm not a funny person!  [laughs, then thinks.]  i think i'm...  i'm happy to be done with the academic work, or to almost be done, but i'm sad that college is going by so fast because two weeks from now i'll be done with half of my college career.  and that's sad, because i feel like i haven't taken all the opportunities to really experience college and get the entire stereotypical, felicity-ish college experience.  [laughs.]  and i'll be sad to say bye the seniors that are graduating, too, and to eugene who will be gone for a whole year...  in the "prestigious london school of economics."  but, i will be in hong kong next spring, so you better come and visit me.

indeed!  so many of us seem to be giving into wanderlusts.  what compelled you to consider hong kong as your study abroad experience?
honestly, well, i always thought either hong kong or london, and as much as i love everyone here that's going to london next year, i wanted to go to a country where i'd be totally independent and not be surrounded by people i'm already familiar with.  so, i chose hong kong since that's where my parents grew up and since my chinese is, like, nil, i can go there because they allow you to take all english-speaking classes, and learn chinese so i can bust out my cantonese to manny and juliza and be better than them.  [laughs.]  just kidding guys!  [laughs.]

sweet.  so, lets say i'm flipping through the newspaper, and i happen to chance upon your personals ad.  what would it say?
yea, i was hoping you would start asking me questions because you asked manny these questions! [laughs.]  so do you want to the real me?  all 372 sides of me?

as many sides as you want to share, and that fit in 500 words or less.  keep in mind it's in a newspaper.  [smiles.]
okay.  lets keep this short.  wait.  lets come up with a title first.  "looking for a fun time?"  [laughs hysterically.]  don't put in the laughs!  that's cheesy!  no!!  [pauses, thinks.]  twenty-year-old SAF who loves to cook, has an ear for rap music and classical music, [thinks] um...  um...  and, huge fan of football, but i'm always biased to my home team, minnesota vikings, making my favorite colors purple and yellow...  um...  organized, likes to play outside, loves kids, um...  always open to new ideas...  yet, knows how... er...  [rethinks]  i'll say something funny.  [laughs.]  and, oh---  a huge carnivore!  [laughs.]  um, and...  yeah.  i think this ad will propel me from people.  or, i would repel people...  [laughs.]  that's why you won't see my ad in the personals.

stop being so hard on yourself.  you're a very marketable individual.  but i don't see you desperate enough to post a newspaper ad, at least not yet.
yeah, you're right.  wait until i'm 35, and still single.

[laughs.]  so, lets talk about being single.  how is it?
lets talk about what?  being single?  [laughs.]  first can i say, we know what's on eugene's mind all the time, because eugene always talks about significant others.  [thinks.]  right now, honestly, i like the independence.  but, i still long for the day when...  someone will...  [bursts in laughter.]  bake me cookies, and put in "i'm sorry" when he does something that pisses me off, in the cookies...  gives me free massages...  [laughs.]  and...  [thinks profusely.]  someone who will listen to me and care for me.  but not yet!  i don't need that yet!

of course you don't.  keep telling yourself that.  [laughs.]  remember when we talked about sexy sophomore transfers?
yea!  what happened?  and i was so sad when president simmons said there were only six sophomore transfers.  did you find any?  is there such a thing as junior transfers?

no, didn't meet any.  and yes, there might be junior transfers, though they're very rare.  whatever.  no one yet, and that's the bottom line.  love in london---  it shall come.
no, love in hong kong...

ha ha.  well, apologies for my uncreative questions, but do you have any last words, perhaps for people who have never met you before?
mm...  not really.  i don't like talking about myself.  we'll just turn it back to the wonderful city of genotropolis.  bye!


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notes | posted 04.28.2002





People of Celebrity Heights.

diva queen of trance and industrial design.

he's not a boy, not yet a man.

the "slim," unadulterated.

the great normalizer.


Related links.

celebrity heights
stories, biosketches, and profiles of influential people in geno's life

college hill

the twid-batch school
papers, essays, and other academic works


Other places of interest.

* N E W *
new  ///   THANKSGIVING 2001
what is there to do over thanksgiving break?  how about go to disneyland? or celebrate your niece's hundred-day birthday?  or see the family?  well, geno did it all.  come see what conspired.




GENOTROPOLIS © 2001-2002 by joydesign .  all rights reserved .
this page last updated 05.31.2002 22:52 .